Everything You Need to Know About Premarital Counseling

What is premarital counseling?

Most people who have heard the term “premarital counseling” tend to associate it with therapy for only engaged couples, and oftentimes with a priest/pastor. However, premarital counseling is an option for any couples who are either engaged, considering marriage, or considering what it would look like to commit to their partner long-term. Premarital counseling can be for any couple who may want to work through some differences and ask the hard questions before committing to a marriage.

What topics are covered in premarital counseling?

Premarital counseling addresses the relational dynamic between partners while discussing topics such as sex, finances, goals, values, expectations, and family backgrounds. It includes addressing your views on marriage and commitment while working to improve your communication skills with your partner. The hope is that you will leave premarital counseling knowing more about yourself and your partner!

What if my partner and I aren’t sure if we want to be married?

Premarital counseling can help you to actually determine if you want to be married in the first place. After intentionally discussing the topics that you and your partner might be avoiding or having a hard time talking about, you can then make an informed decision about the direction of the relationship. 

How long does premarital counseling typically last?

Premarital counseling usually takes a couple of months, but can also turn into couples therapy depending on the situation. Some couples find they can address all of what they need to in a few months and are able to make a decision about the direction of the relationship at that point. Some couples start off in premarital counseling but then transition to couples therapy, especially if one or both partners have any trauma that affects their ability to commit. You can talk about this with your therapist along the way to make sure your needs are being met in the therapy process.

What can I do to prepare for premarital counseling?

There is nothing you need to do before coming to premarital counseling. You are welcome to take our attachment quiz or read a few blogs to create some insight into how you operate and how that might affect your relationship, but it is not necessary. If you want to move forward with premarital counseling or have any questions, you can sign up for a free 30-minute consultation with our therapist matchmaker to find the therapist who is the best fit for you. (California residents only). We provide online therapy and have therapists who are trained in EMDR therapy. We also offer many different types of trauma therapy groups. All of our therapists specialize in trauma-informed care, and informed trauma therapy. Wishing you and your partner the best in your relationship!

All therapists at Woven Together Trauma Therapy are trauma-informed and specialize in treating all forms of trauma. We also offer EMDR therapy, Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, and Brainspotting therapy which all have shown to be extremely effective in treating and healing trauma. Want to read more about our unique therapy options?

These blogs talk more about the basics of EMDR therapy:

You can read more about Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy here:

If you would like to learn more about Brainspotting therapy, check out our blog: What is Brainspotting?


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