
Helen Jun PhD Helen Jun PhD

Religious Trauma and OCD

Why do so many religious trauma survivors have OCD? Something that you may not know is that religious trauma and obsessive, compulsive symptoms frequently go hand-in-hand. This might be a little difficult to grasp so take your time reading this post. If you have OCD and religious trauma, it could be relieving for you to realize the connection is not just you. 

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Moriah Conant M.A. Moriah Conant M.A.

How to Overcome Internalized Homophobia and Transphobia

Have you ever felt shame, guilt, or negative feelings about your LGBTQIA+ identity? If so, you may have experienced internalized homophobia and/or transphobia. If you aren’t familiar with these the terms internalized homophobia and internalized transphobia, let’s start off by defining them before we jump into learning how to overcome them.

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Moriah Conant M.A. Moriah Conant M.A.

The Importance of LGBTQIA+ Visibility

It can be very lonely to feel as if you are the only person going through an experience and that no one else can relate to you. This is something that LGBTQIA+ individuals experience often.

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Helen Jun PhD Helen Jun PhD

Religious Trauma and Delayed Sexual Development

One of the most painful aspects of religious trauma is sexual repression. In psychological research, we see that early life trauma results in developmental delays. This is because brain development can be interrupted by maltreatment, neglect, or abuse in adolescence or childhood.

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Helen Jun PhD Helen Jun PhD

Religious Trauma and Delayed Relational Development 

In rigid, high-control religious environments, you may be taught that there is a specific way to relate to others that is permissible in the eyes of God. This formulaic, dogmatic, and fear-based teaching may get in the way of healthy relational development.

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Helen Jun PhD Helen Jun PhD

Religious Trauma and Delayed Emotional Development 

One of the most painful aspects of religious trauma is the way it teaches us to distrust our own emotions. In psychological research, we see that early life trauma results in developmental delays. This is because brain development can be interrupted by maltreatment, neglect, or abuse in adolescence or childhood.

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Dr. Quincee Gideon Dr. Quincee Gideon

What Causes Religious Trauma?

Religious communities should be our safest emotional and physical spaces. These groups often talk about creating safety and salvation for those seeking such, but these spaces can quickly become toxic, abusive, and traumatizing.  

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Moriah Conant M.A. Moriah Conant M.A.

Integrating Identities + Compartmentalization

Many people with marginalized identities face hate, discrimination, and bullying related to those identities. Some of this hate is external, but there can also be internalized hate against these identities that have been learned from other people or society. One common way people may cope in response to hate, discrimination, and bullying, is by compartmentalizing their marginalized identities. 

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Quincee Gideon Quincee Gideon

Where Does the Term “Gaslighting” Come From?

Gaslighting is one of those terms that we hear often in the mental health world today.  It is a common tool narcissists will use to control those around them and is an oh-too-common occurrence when discussing emotional manipulation.

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Quincee Gideon Quincee Gideon

5 Types of Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that causes the victim to question their sanity, their instincts, or their perception of events. You’ve probably experienced it, even if you didn’t have the words to describe what was happening to you.

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Lauryn Lucido, LMFT Lauryn Lucido, LMFT

Woven’s Approach to EMDR

There are many places and providers offering EMDR therapy. The therapeutic relationship is the most important factor in the success of therapy, so we always want you to find the therapist that works best for you. With that in mind, we work hard to create a safe, empathic environment for you whether you come to see us for psychotherapy or EMDR therapy.

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Lauryn Lucido, LMFT Lauryn Lucido, LMFT

EMDR: Your Questions Answered

Get your EMDR questions answered here. We talk about how EMDR works, whether it might be right for your specific struggle, and how our staff creates a warm and inviting space to help you safely process your trauma.

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Lauryn Lucido, LMFT Lauryn Lucido, LMFT

What is EMDR?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is an evidence-based psychotherapy practice meant to reduce symptoms of traumatic memories and events.

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Quincee Gideon Quincee Gideon

Ways to protect yourself from emotional manipulation

My favorite thing to do is to stop toxicity and abuse in its tracks by empowering folks to see emotional manipulation from a mile away. Are you ready? Here are the ways to protect yourself from emotional manipulation:

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Dr. Ruth Gatt Dr. Ruth Gatt

Gaslighting and Psychological Abuse

We get a lot of questions about gaslighting.  One of the most common has to do with whether or not the experience "counts" as gaslighting, and where gaslighting fits under the Trauma umbrella. Gaslighting feeds off of confusion and murkiness, so let's shed some light here. 

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Quincee Gideon Quincee Gideon

A Deeper Dive into Netflix’s “Maid”

By now, you’ve probably seen the show MAID pop up on your Netflix suggestions. You might have even watched it and it gave you a lot to think about. Maid points out some incredibly important nuances to how abusive relationships and domestic violence play out for those attempting to escape. Let’s talk through the important things that happened over the series that helps you understand what you are going through or what others might suffer when trying to escape.

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Dr. Ruth Gatt Dr. Ruth Gatt

Working Through Dissociation in Therapy

Dissociation refers to a shutdown of sensory experience. There are two main types of dissociation, which include shame and terror dissociation. Both are developed in response to severe or ongoing trauma. This means that during a traumatic event, or a series of traumatic events (such as we often see in survivors of childhood abandonment, neglect, or other types of abuse), our best option was to disconnect. 

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Dr. Ruth Gatt Dr. Ruth Gatt

What is dissociation and why does it happen?

Dissociation is one way that the brain and body respond to difficult, trauma-induced emotions. It is the ultimate state of hiding or escaping from the intense danger that your body has registered either outside or inside yourself.

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Dr. Quincee Gideon Dr. Quincee Gideon

Religious Trauma + Sexual Repression

One of the most obvious and painful parts of religious trauma is the sexual repression that is often baked into the theology, dogma, or rules of our religious communities. Because sexuality is such a personal and unavoidable part of the human experience, those that are repressed tend to feel traumatized by their identities being denied and “in the name of God.”

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Dr. Quincee Gideon Dr. Quincee Gideon

Religious Trauma + Emotional Manipulation

It’s sometimes hard to imagine how the church and religious communities that teach love and compassion can become abusive and harmful.  But any institution, when power structures go unchecked and the “message” becomes more important than the people, is vulnerable to becoming harmful, rather than helpful.  This typically happens slowly over time and can be hard to see when you are inside the community.  

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