What is Racial Trauma?
How does racism show up in our body, thoughts, and emotions? People who are familiar with racism may know that it is acknowledged as a public health crisis by the American Public Health Association. But how do daily experiences of racism, discrimination, and microaggressions affect us psychologically and in our trauma symptoms? How does it show up in our bodies, thoughts, and emotions? Let’s dive in.
Dissociation 101
Have you ever found yourself scrolling on your phone for hours and then not being able to remember what you watched? Or maybe you feel overwhelmed all the time. Or numb. Does this sound familiar? Let’s talk about the freeze response and dissociation 101.
The Bittersweet Flavors of the Holiday Season
If this time of the year brings up anxiety, depression, hopelessness, or loneliness for you, your body can be at the center of it. For many people, the memories that arise are filled with joy and happiness, for others - survivors of childhood trauma - the body remembers this season with complex emotions.
How to Survive the Holidays with your Partner
There are a lot of things happening during the holiday season. Because the holidays are usually very nostalgic for people, it’s almost like our brains are primed to remember all our childhood trauma. So how can we survive the holidays with our romantic relationship intact? JHere are some ideas that might help.
Creating Peace and Joy with your Inner Child this Holiday Season
Calendar filling up with events? Booking those tickets back to your hometown? A familiar sense of anxiety creeping in? You’re not alone. As the lights and holiday spirit go up around town, many of us are faced with less-than-festive feelings.
How to use Superbills for Insurance Reimbursement for Therapy at Woven
One of the most common questions we receive at Woven Together Trauma Therapy is surrounding insurance reimbursement and our superbill process. To help make this a little clearer for you, we have put together some answers to our most-asked questions.
How Medical Trauma Can Impact Relationships
If you’ve ever experienced a medical trauma, a traumatic experience related to the medical setting, you may have noticed some unexpected effects on your relationships. Maybe it’s more challenging than usual to interact with the people in your life and you’re wondering why.
The Connection Between Trauma and Eating Disorders
Research suggests that trauma, particularly in early childhood, can increase the risk the developing bulimia, anorexia, and binge-eating disorders.* This is useful information, not only in treating disordered eating, but also because it can help us to understand more about how trauma impacts a person’s development and healing process.
What is Medical Trauma?
In the medical setting, the goal is to do no harm and bring healing, but it is rarely this simple. Patients discover they cannot control their circumstances and become vulnerable to the limits of their bodies and the medical expertise of others. Unfortunately, it can be extremely stressful, sometimes to a detrimental degree, to be a patient undergoing medical care.
Fawning Series Part III: What You Want Probably Isn’t What They Want
You know how to read other people and assess for danger (read: rejection) better than you know yourself. That’s where that whole confusing-their-needs-for-yours thing gets so hard to tease apart: fawning can feel like knowing exactly what someone wants and being in alignment with that and that alone. But fawning is actually knowing how to protect yourself (most of the time) from being ignored, unaccepted, or pushed to the side by catering to the potential abandonment-risk-of-a-person in front of you.
EMDR for Religious Trauma
EMDR was developed as an evidence-based treatment for trauma that has gone unprocessed. You can read more about the basics of EMDR here. When it comes to religious trauma, EMDR can offer meaningful relief after years of triggers, overwhelm, and a dysregulated nervous system.
Fawning Series Part II: What You Think People Want
Most people try to please others at some point. It’s a pretty human thing to do. But they’re usually doing it from a place of being in touch with their own needs, emotions, and sense of self-worth that transcends whatever they can do for another person. So what happens when someone isn’t?
Am I Fawning In Relationships? (How Fawning Starts)
When someone is in an abusive relationship, they might stay and try to “fawn” their abuser, making sure their meal is cooked by the time they get home, their favorite beer is fully stocked in the fridge, and their kids are put to sleep. They “fawn” so that their abuser doesn’t explode. It’s a protective mechanism to prevent their abuser from causing more damage.
How Do I Do ALL The Things???
Let’s say you’ve got a good handle on a couple of triggers you have. You thought you knew what put you in “The Bad Place,” but now you’ve got a couple more things that you’re aware of. Now you can recognize when you’re feeling terrible, and maybe even how you’re feeling, in general, a good amount of the time. That’s great! Let’s talk about actually *doing* all those things on that list.
Getting Ready To Get Things Done After Trauma
You know most people think of productivity as doing the most at the flip of a switch. You also know that doesn’t describe you outside of the rare day you finish some things, but also go into that fuzzy space where fingernails magically get chewed off and you forget to feed yourself, let alone blink. And you know productivity should be attainable. It should account for people like you with PTSD.
Why is it So Hard to Be “Productive” After Trauma?
Your brain is very good at scanning your environment, both internally and externally, for threats to your survival. In fact, it’s probably reacting to perceived threats most of the time you can’t seem to take that next step in your day. And that doesn’t make you “unproductive” or “lazy.” It just means your brain frequently has different goals than you want it to. But why is it so hard to be productive after trauma? Read more to learn why.
Navigating the Impact of Purity Culture with a Partner
If or when you start dating, you may find that you and your partner have different backgrounds when it comes to romance, relationships, and sex. Let’s dive into the many things to think about when navigating the lasting effects of purity culture with a partner.
Creating a Sexual Ethic
After leaving Purity Culture, the ambiguity we face after a loss of structure can feel debilitating. How do we relate to ourselves? How do we relate to others? There are no longer clear-cut answers about when you should have sex and what you should want from a relationship.
Leaving Purity Culture
Purity Culture was typically closely connected with American Evangelical churches and ministries of the 80’s and 90’s. We are now learning how much damage purity culture has done to those trapped within it. Let’s talk about how to heal after leaving purity culture.
Why Would I Need a Couples Therapist?
Couples therapy is meant to address issues in the relationship dynamic. Each person we interact with can bring out different sides of us and sometimes we notice that there are parts of us that get brought out in our romantic relationships that we want to address. We see couples come into couples therapy for many reasons. Let’s dive in!