
Quincee Gideon Quincee Gideon

Self-Care in Couples Therapy

Self-care is an essential component of any therapeutic process, and it's particularly important in couples therapy. There is a reason why flight attendants on airplanes instruct you to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping anyone else. If you aren’t able to take care of your well-being, you won’t be in any position to help anyone else.

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Quincee Gideon Quincee Gideon

What is Trauma-Informed Couples Therapy?

Trauma-informed couples therapy is a therapeutic approach that takes into account the impact of past trauma on your current relationships and behaviors. It recognizes that trauma can affect your ability to trust, communicate, and connect with others, and seeks to address these challenges in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. Here are some potential benefits of trauma-informed couples therapy:

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