Fall Fictional Reading List for 2021
Woven Trauma Therapy consists of a group of therapists that love reading (and watching Bravo). Of course, there’s lots of reading for the trauma care we provide to our patients, but we also love a good fiction story. It helps us get out of our heads and into another world. We’ve curated our reading list for fiction for the fall of 2021. Come read with us.
Grief and Complex Trauma
In trauma work, I hear this question all the time. Understandably, people want to know why it matters if they grieve the past (or present) or not. Moreover, people worry about being overcome or undone by their grief, should they let it out. This process can be difficult, but grieving is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal to heal childhood wounds and other trauma across the lifespan.
Benefits of Trauma Therapy for Teens
There are many benefits of trauma therapy for teens, but here are the most significant takeaways you can expect.
Trauma Therapy for Teens
Trauma can occur and many stages of life, however treating adolescent trauma looks different than treating adult trauma. Does this come as a surprise to you? If so, I am going to break down what really is trauma therapy for teens. If you're a parent or a teen who has questions about trauma therapy, you’ll get answers that will tell you what trauma therapy for teens looks like, what a teen can expect in trauma therapy, and how trauma therapy for teens different from adult trauma therapy.
How to Set Goals for Therapy
If you’ve made the decision to invest in trauma-oriented therapy and want to set specific goals, here are some helpful characteristics of goals that best work to counteract your trauma symptoms and promoting healing.
Types of Trauma Support
I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve been shaken by something in your life, and you’re considering asking for help. There are many different types of support out there so I am going to help break it down for you and detail what trauma therapy even looks like, so you can decide if it’s right for you.
3 Steps to Identify Your Trauma
Here, I’ll break down the three steps for identifying trauma, so you can feel better equipped to decide what’s next.
How to Ground Yourself When Triggered and Overwhelmed
Although your body is trying to protect you, often you might been triggered by something that is not actually dangerous. So, here are a few steps for helping yourself feel grounded after a trigger.
Four Stages of Trauma Recovery and Healing
Trauma healing happens in big stages. There can be a lot of small ups and downs within these stages, but healing generally unfolds in this way.
Surviving the Dating Scene as a Trauma Survivor
The ways in which trauma survivors attempt to find safety in the context of a new relationship can cause one of two problems in the dating scene - over-sharing or under-sharing.
How Trauma and Self-Betrayal are Connected
Have you noticed in yourself a tendency to minimize your own needs? To not cause a fuss and keep the peace at all costs? These may be reflections of one of codependency’s main symptoms: self-betrayal.
Books Your Therapist Wants You to Read in 2021
Here are a few books your therapist definitely wants you to read in 2021.
Books our Trauma Therapists will Read in 2021
This book list is full of helpful trauma reads, as well as writing that challenges our colonized, white-centric ways of thinking about the psychology of our patients.
A Trauma-Informed Response to COVID-19
We are witnessing a global trauma response. Be kind to one another in this.
5 Things You Need to Know Before Beginning Trauma Therapy
Beginning trauma therapy can be overwhelming and intimidating. In fact, those who have experienced trauma may have the most difficult time beginning therapy because their experiences have been so confusing and overwhelming. Keep these things in mind before beginning the journey of overcoming trauma.