Navigating the Impact of Purity Culture with a Partner
If or when you start dating, you may find that you and your partner have different backgrounds when it comes to romance, relationships, and sex. Let’s dive into the many things to think about when navigating the lasting effects of purity culture with a partner.
Creating a Sexual Ethic
After leaving Purity Culture, the ambiguity we face after a loss of structure can feel debilitating. How do we relate to ourselves? How do we relate to others? There are no longer clear-cut answers about when you should have sex and what you should want from a relationship.
Leaving Purity Culture
Purity Culture was typically closely connected with American Evangelical churches and ministries of the 80’s and 90’s. We are now learning how much damage purity culture has done to those trapped within it. Let’s talk about how to heal after leaving purity culture.
Trauma & Substance Use
Today we will be talking about the relationship between trauma and substance use. Trauma can significantly impact your relationship to different substances, and the holidays can trigger substance use to cope with situations and surroundings. Since many people create intentions or goals at the beginning of the year, we want to provide you with some information about the connection between trauma and substance use in case you are thinking about your relationship with substance use.
Coping After the Holidays
Last week we talked about coping during the holidays. The holidays can be very stressful, but after the holidays can be stressful in a different way!
Coping During the Holidays
The holidays can be a challenging time for anyone, but they can be especially difficult for those who have experienced trauma. The holiday season is often associated with feelings of joy, love, and togetherness, but for those who have experienced trauma, these feelings can be overshadowed by painful memories and emotions, and can lead to dysregulation.
Winter 2022 Book List
Who doesn’t love a good read? Our Woven therapists surely do! This week we are sharing some book recommendations that span all different genres.
What does Self-Betrayal Look Like?
Self-betrayal is a way of coping that many people develop to keep themselves safe and try to meet their needs. Individuals who experienced trauma as children may develop this type of response because they believed that it was the only way to stay connected to their caregivers. We dive into what self-betrayal may look like.
How to Figure Out What Your Trauma Is
We’ve been talking about trauma therapy this month, and you may have wondered- do I have trauma? And if I do, what kind of trauma do I have? This topic can be very overwhelming to tackle, so we want to provide you with a starting point. Woven Together Trauma Therapy focuses on working with trauma, so we have created some resources to assist you in your healing journey.
Why is Trauma Therapy so Hard?
When we experience trauma, our bodies and minds do what is necessary for us to survive. This might be repressing our memories, compartmentalizing, numbing our emotions, or projecting our emotions onto others. This month, we will be sharing blogs about trauma therapy and what that process is like. Today we are covering why trauma therapy is so difficult.
What to Expect from Trauma Therapy
Trauma therapy can help you make sense of your trauma history and feel more grounded in your life. When trauma happens, you need trauma-informed and competent therapy to support your recovery. Trauma therapy provides a space to talk about trauma, identify how it has impacted you, and process all of it. This type of therapy looks at more than what is currently going on in your life- this process will look more deeply into your experiences, beliefs about yourself, and how these things impact you.
What is Trauma Therapy?
It’s estimated that over 224 million adults have experienced at least one trauma. It’s prevalent, albeit horrifying. After trauma, your world can feel unsafe, and then anxiety makes your body feel unsafe too. The good news? It’s treatable, and we specialize in helping you cope. Trauma therapy can help you make sense of your trauma history and feel more grounded in your life. When trauma happens, you need trauma-informed and competent therapy to support your recovery.
Coping with Suicidal Ideation
There are many ways to cope with suicidal ideation. You could do some of the ways of coping with a therapist, some with your loved ones, and some on your own. It is helpful to have a range of ways to cope because one will not always be a good fit. We have talked about different aspects of SI, and before we talk about coping, I want to talk about ways of experiencing SI.
Talking to Your Therapist About Suicidal Ideation
Suicidal ideation is a symptom of depression that some people experience. Suicidal ideation and suicide are stigmatized topics, but I believe that knowledge and conversations about suicide reduce stigma. Today we’ll cover talking to your therapist about SI to destigmatize those conversations.
Active Suicidal Ideation vs. Passive Suicidal Ideation
Suicidal ideation (thoughts of suicide) can feel like a very big topic, and it may not have been something your family or community discussed. Suicide and suicidal ideation have carried stigma for a long time. This blog will help break down the components of suicidal ideation and the difference between active and passive suicidal ideation.
How to Recognize Depression Symptoms & Presentations
October is National Depression Education & Awareness Month! You are probably here because you or a loved one may have experienced the symptoms of depression, or a depressive episode and are looking for support. You are not alone: depression is a condition that an estimated 21 million U.S. adults experience every year, and is considered one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States.* Here at Woven, we want to be able to provide information and support for you.
The 4 Trauma Responses
Here at Woven, we specialize in trauma therapy. We are passionate about providing trauma-informed care, and a big part of that work is providing psychoeducation on trauma and its effects on our bodies and minds so you can feel empowered in your healing. One of the first steps in understanding your own trauma and healing is to learn about trauma responses.
What is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy and Who is it For?
In recent years, ketamine and other psychedelic therapies have shown incredible results with treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) combines the helpful medicine of ketamine with the emotional support of a therapist to help you take your healing to the next level.
What to Expect in Your First Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Session
If you are looking into Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, you might feel overwhelmed by all of the different components of the treatment process. Ketamine is still a newer form of treatment, and it is normal to have a lot of questions. This blog will provide some insight into what your first session will feel like.
LGBTQIA+ Mental Health
If you scroll through social media, you may see people talking about the importance of good mental health. We are no stranger here to why that is important, but have you ever thought about what factors make up good or bad mental health? I will start off here by saying that the factors are many, and are often complex.