How to Navigate the Holidays with Complex Trauma
For many survivors of complex trauma, the holiday season can be an evocative time. It can bring up anxiety about setting boundaries with difficult family members, grief regarding the people you are not spending the holidays with, or a sense of gratitude about the past year of growth and healing. Let’s talk about how to navigate the holiday season with complex trauma
What are the 3 Phases of Trauma Therapy?
I have had many patients come to therapy with me and say that talk therapy has not been helpful for them. Specifically, I hear the same complaint over and over: I felt like all I did was talk and open up, and I didn’t feel like there was a direction to therapy. When I hear complaints like this, I always want to start with some education about what trauma therapy looks like. Let's dive in.
How We Treat Complex PTSD
At Woven, we specialize in relational, depth-oriented therapy approaches that provide a solid foundation for the delicate and challenging work of Complex PTSD treatment. Here, I describe 3 Steps we use to address CPTSD for our Clients, sharing in detail what this style of treatment looks like. I also explain the role of grief work in treating complex PTSD.
Grief and Complex Trauma
In trauma work, I hear this question all the time. Understandably, people want to know why it matters if they grieve the past (or present) or not. Moreover, people worry about being overcome or undone by their grief, should they let it out. This process can be difficult, but grieving is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal to heal childhood wounds and other trauma across the lifespan.
Trauma Therapy for Teens
Trauma can occur and many stages of life, however treating adolescent trauma looks different than treating adult trauma. Does this come as a surprise to you? If so, I am going to break down what really is trauma therapy for teens. If you're a parent or a teen who has questions about trauma therapy, you’ll get answers that will tell you what trauma therapy for teens looks like, what a teen can expect in trauma therapy, and how trauma therapy for teens different from adult trauma therapy.
How to Set Goals for Therapy
If you’ve made the decision to invest in trauma-oriented therapy and want to set specific goals, here are some helpful characteristics of goals that best work to counteract your trauma symptoms and promoting healing.
Types of Trauma Support
I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve been shaken by something in your life, and you’re considering asking for help. There are many different types of support out there so I am going to help break it down for you and detail what trauma therapy even looks like, so you can decide if it’s right for you.
8 Reasons People Seek Therapy
Myth: You need to be in a crisis to seek therapy.
Truth: There is nothing wrong with seeking help with anything you might be going through.