3 Main Processes of Attachment Therapy
Attachment therapy uses the framework of Attachment Theory, which helps us to understand how relationships with our primary caregivers predict our sense of safety and security in the world, starting in infancy. These early relationships also tell us how safe other people are, how hard we should work to express or reject our emotional needs, and how deserving of love we are as individuals--felt “truths” that we can’t help but carry with us long after they’re born.
Attachment Style and How it Affects Growth and Healing
The two main dimensions on which a person can be insecurely attached are characterized by attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance. Attachment anxiety is to the degree to which one is worried that their attachment figure will be unsupportive in times of distress and need. Attachment avoidance is the degree to which one minimizes their dependency needs and distances from potentially supportive interpersonal relationships when faced with stressors.